My Home

Olga Sabadin-Ukrainian artist, D-90 cm, oil painting, canvas, , 2023
When we lost home its not so easy to find new one, especially during the war, when many homes are destroyed, many damaged, many stolen! Is it even possible?
First we should build it inside of us. Inner peace - the emotional balance, find harmony in the soul, create a connection with the Universe and this will become a new foundation for starting all over again in the country where you went randomly.
      I started to paint this artwork last April 2022 at the 'Show Me Love' festival in the huge Mahalla art space in Berlin. I remember how I found the first round canvas in Berlin, brought it to the location and had to paint all day, like a performance. But I finished it last February 2023.
People who have never seen war see a Starfall in this painting.

If you want to get my painting in a different size, please contact me for the custom order. I am sure that we will find the best solution to find the best option for you!
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